Hi, this is Field Op #85.
Grr!! Do you know how LONG it took to film that GOOD? Hard, eh? You betcha. I had to try hundreds of times. At least I FINALLY got my point made.
Location: Next to the System Defender unit
Hiya, so, the Marvel Superhero Takeover has entered it's stage 2; the Meteor. It has landed at the dock and is glowing with some energy substance. here is a quick pic:
In other news, the new newspaper is out (wow, that's a mouthful). So, it's a cool one, here is a HD pic.
Okay, so, I haven't posted on this blog for a while now and it's getting kinda stupid, so, I will post when NECESSARY things happen. Like this.
So, the Penguin Style is now out and better than ever in their Superhero costumes, all the hidden items on these pages are CAPES. Pretty cool, huh?